Thorsten Distler
MA Translator + Certified Copywriter + Certified Fitness Trainer

Everyday Yoga

Adaptation of the entire book (June to August 2015)

Sage Rountree has rightly made a name for herself on the US yoga scene. Her yoga menus are uniquely accessible to readers. With such an outstanding author and yogini, doing justice to the original and at the same time making the German text even better than the English original presented a real challenge. Yet this was exactly my goal and incentive – the yardstick for my German texts. Sage Rountree’s menu and module principle meant I really had to pull out all the stops. The fact that yoga is familiar terrain for me naturally worked in my favour here. The outcome was texts that flowed with effortless confidence from one asana and linguistic image to the next. I am particularly proud of the German version of Everyday Yoga.



Do you really want to go down that road? Run the risk that people will stick to your copy and products like flies to flypaper? Then try out the customer magnet. But when you can’t shake those pesky customers off, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
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