Onwards and upwards: the long journey to becoming a multilingual content coach

Hire a multilingual communication coach for your team. Ensure your optimal international positioning.
Your formula for success: qualified translator + specialisation + text power = top content at Level A+
From base to summit: a translator’s rise to multilingual copywriter

Level D: Specialist with a talent for languages
Every company and sales department has one: a language talent. Someone extremely knowledgeable in their field and also fluent in multiple languages. Do you have someone like that? An employee you gladly entrust your translations and copywriting to? As the saying goes: specialist expertise plus language skills equals perfect content. Doesn't it? Sadly, this isn’t always the case.
A talent for languages and expertise alone often aren’t enough. On top of that, it takes years of further training or five years of professional experience. During this time, your in-house language talent must focus entirely on preparing translations and print-ready copy. Only then will they be on a par with a university-trained language professional or technical editor (Level B).
And is just the best really good enough for you? I make your documents shine: from Level D to Level A+.

Level D: Journalist or editor
Most editors master one or more foreign languages, often fluently. Rarely at the same high level as a translator though.
Similarly, journalists lack crucial translation techniques, intercultural skills and experience in multilingual communication. If they already specialise, they might be able to qualify slightly sooner. But whether they are a business journalist or sports reporter: as a rule, the journey to international levels A to B takes around five to seven years.
Specialist, translator and editor in one: take advantage of my many years of experience in multilingual communication. I catapult you to the top of your field.

Level C: Linguist
A straightforward linguist can understand foreign texts as well as any translator. But they only master a few basic translation techniques.
So they still require vocational training in the editorial and conceptual aspects. An English or Romance philologist needs five to seven years to attain Level A.
But why be content with Level C? Let's go the full distance to the very top ...
Offer your customers compelling communication. An experienced wordsmith, I provide both organic, living translations AND texts written from scratch. Achieve exactly the desired effect on readers with content at Level A+.

Level B: Qualified translator (Diplom)
The university degree to become a translator involves full-time study. A Diplom or master’s degree is awarded after four to six years.
Culture and language are taught during the two to three foundation years. The aspiring text pros then hone their skills and knowledge in phonetics, grammar, cultural studies, linguistics and translation. They also complete practical translation exercises from and into the foreign language. These address translation problems in general and technical course texts.
A main study period (Hauptstudium) lasting two to three years follows the intermediate diploma (Vordiplom). During this time, the translation techniques learned are refined and perfected.
The future linguists also decide on a specialisation – in my case, medicine. They then complete complex specialised translations in both directions in this field. Meanwhile, they develop their language and cultural skills further in advanced seminars. Students immerse themselves in the foreign language and culture during their semester(s) abroad.
Welcome to the translators' base camp! From here, you can plan your ascent to the next level.

Level A: Specialised translator
Equipped with a Diplom or master’s degree, graduates can get to work. As professional translators, they are masters of their chosen fields. They have acquired the necessary research skills and translation techniques. Pro status is attained after a further three to five years.
Specifically: the qualified translator (Level B) becomes a specialist for YOUR field (Level A) – a genuine partner on an equal footing, who understands you and your business.
I speak the lingo that your end customers speak. Meaning your German texts will really hit the mark.
Sound expertise is not enough though. What if a text must absolutely electrify readers? Using imaginative and emotive imagery like most marketing and PR texts? Then you need an international communication professional who will go the extra mile!
To produce convincing copy, translation graduates must hone their writing and research skills. After obtaining my Diplom, it took me another five years to reach international world-class level. The journey to the top involved a variety of key projects and lots of advanced training. To further develop my expertise and talents. Beside creative translations, I can also write concise concepts, compelling articles and attention-grabbing PR and advertising copy.
Stand out from the crowd – with my help, position yourself as an industry leader.

Level A+: Creative specialised translator
Qualified translator (Diplom) + specialist in YOUR field + copywriter
Flawless app content, press releases, websites and adverts are not enough. You need real customer magnets! Texts that naturally draw readers in. That entertain, convince and inform with playful ease.
Use the amazing draw of appealing content to your advantage. I find the right words for you and your brand.
How to captivate and fascinate buyers and customers alike
Step 1: You set the framework. With your source text, brand identity, wishes and target group.
Step 2: I fill this framework with vibrant imagery and metaphors.
The effect: vivid impressions for your recipients and consumers – with YOUR brand taking centre stage!
Rhetorical power is essentially an individual talent. That being said, linguistic creative power can be trained like a muscle. My training for YOUR success: workshops and seminars, cabaret events, self-written song lyrics and above all my project experience as your multilingual content manager.